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Hello! Sofea / '97 / Malaysian / Introvert / Saggitarius / Caramel Macchiato!

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Road to Second Chance.

Hii uguys :)
Long time not see right ? Already missing uolls soo much haha.
Okayy today idk why suddenly i just wanna writing something on my blog. Maybe nak buat luahan sesi perasaan sikit hahaha. Owhh forget to up-to-date about my life. Sekarang ni I ada kerjaya baru lepas empat bulan intern dekat tempat kerja my mum. Cuba teka pedia ? Takyah ah buang masa hahah sekarang I buat tanaman kecil-kecilan tapi konsisten iaitu tanam anggur 😂 a.k.a bahasa saintifiknya (lol) menganggur. Yes for this not more then two months I menganggur buat sementara waktu. Bukan taknak kerja but my mother queen and father king tak bagi kerja even part-time huhu. Sedih I (wipe tears). Semuanya sebab nak I uruskan barang-barang yang perlu untuk dibawa bila I pindah nanti. Owh yeahh I tak bagitahu uolls lagi right ? Im gonna move to Sabah around awal bulan June ni. Yes gonna leave Semenanjung for a quiet long time hmm. My mum got kerja tetap there at one of Sabah University. So yeah , our whole fam gonna move there just tinggal adik lelaki gue di sini sebab dia still study here. Got two years and more before he follow us stay at Sabah. It has been our dreams to move there when we can but after a long time I rasa sedih and berat hati nak tinggalkan Semenanjung :'(.

Iknow i shouldn't feel like this but leaving someone and something precious for a long long long long time is a hard things to do. Lagi-lagi bila kau tak tahu bila kau akan bertemu lagi hahahaha but if ada jodoh InsyaAllah izin Allah itu ada kan ? I will believe with that. I really hope that everythings that i love, everyones that i love soo much will still be there and have the same feeling to me even how far i go. Even when i come back after been apart for a few years haha. InsyaAllah :)

Actually, to be honest lah en everytime i get attach with someone or somethingg sooooo deeply its ended up with separation / perpisahan. Serious talk. Why I berani cakap macam ni sebab ini yang berlaku dalam hidup I. Bila I dah betul betul rapat and sayang mesti benda tu tak akan lama sebab I akan pergi jauh from everything and everyone.  Contohnya macam sekarang , bila I dah betul betul sayang and suka dengan life yang I ada sekarang I dah kena tinggalkan semua tu ke belakang sebab I kena pindah. That is why dulu i tak suka nak get attach with anything and anyone. For me semua benda tu sementara so i lagi suka hubungan yang tak akan kemana (cinta monyetlah contohnya) sebab i always rasa semua ni tak akan jadi milik i pun hahaha. I always do that tak kiralah hubungan dengan kawan, junior or even my boyfriend (yang kini telah menjadi ex-boyfriend) sebab i taknak ada rasa macam ni bila i kena berjauhan dengan semua tu but babe with this guy (my baby giraffe meow meow), i sangat sangat dah terlekat macam kena gam dengan gam uhu dah dengan dia.  Even words pun tak boleh nak describe how much i ni dah falling in love with this guy. No just with this guy. All of my friends, bestfriend, my classmates, my junior, teachers, EVERYONES! That have been with me since 2013 untill now. It was a grateful decision to move there on the first place. I met with a lot of people who are sooo nice and always be there when i need. Like i found where i belong. I didn't mean my life with my fam is not great but tak sama rasanya bila I ada dengan diorang semua. I learned a lots of thing about life, friendship, the meaning of being love and to be love, a reason to live my life and banyak lagi.

I know i still have a long journey to go hahaha but just want to take a moment untuk hargai everyone yang ada for me. I really love you guys. I really meant it. I'm gonna miss you all soooo badly haha.

Moving on from your past and take action for it is the first thing you should do if you want to start over everything. It will lead you to the great journey yang you sendiri tak akan sangka. Believe me. Being a girl with a broken piece inside and try to take the piece by piece alone is not an easy things to do but with the right company, friends and surrounding we can make it to be a better person AGAIN !

Everyone deserve a second chance right ? so give it to them. you will never know how things like that can turn them to be a better person then you used to know. :) And for those yang dah dapat peluang untuk berubah tu, kuatkan diri. Berubah for orang really not give you anything, bertambah masalah lagi adalah haha. just find yourself inside someone else. Maksudnya, reflect yourself from someone if you do anything. :)

Much love for uguys who keep reading my entry even banyak kesalahan grammar and kadang kadang tak kena dengan tajuk hahaha. i tulis apa yang i nak tulis. so yeah 😂. hope to see u soon.

Much love, xoxo.